Mermaid Spell

Mermaid Spell

Mermaid Spell. This spell can make you a mermaid if you believe. It will not work for everyone and I have not

tried it because I am not ready to be a mermaid. Remember that you’ll have 5-10 seconds after touching water

before you get your tail. Every drop of water, including rainwater and certain body products containing water,

will transform you into a mermaid at any given time. Be careful, do not tell anyone about your powers. Do not

say this spell on a full moon or while dry. Say it at midnight for the best results. It takes time, a long time, but does.

work. My friend tried the spell and it did not work for her because she didn’t believe and told others about the

powers she was experiencing. Another one of my friends got a tail but did a reverse spell because she was in

shock from the spell actually working. She said the spell took 3 months and a couple of days. So it’s not a fast-acting spell but it works well if you believe and practice transformation magic often. Unfortunately, I know no

one right now who is a mermaid from my spell because they all did reverse spells and gave up their tails:( They

just thought it was a joke- which it isn’t. Please only say the spell with real intentions of becoming a mermaid.

Let me know if it works I would love more mermaid friends.

Casting Instructions for ‘Gender Mermaid Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bathtub
  • 1 seashell
  • Symbol (any jewelry is fine)

Share First you will need to run a bath and gather your seashell. It can be any shell as long as it’s real and

found on the beach! Not bought in a shell shop! Step in the bath and be soaked. Rub the shell all over your body

for about 10 minutes. Then close your eyes and say this spell:
I call the goddesses of the sea
Give the power of a tail to me
Swimming magic in the water
Tails of scales to be
Make me a mermaid so mote it be

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