Physical Body Change

Physical Body Change

Physical Body Change.Physical Body Change. Many biological changes take place during the adolescent years. Most.

obvious are the physical changes, for example, increases in height, acquisition of muscle mass, the distribution of body fat, and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

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not an exact science. As such results may vary.

What are the physical changes of a girl?| What causes physical changes in the body?| Are the physical changes in childhood?|

Beyond the growth spurts, other physical changes that happen in both males and females include body odor, acne, and more body hair. Females will see changes in where fat appears on their bodies. For example, breasts become fuller and hips grow wider.

In puberty, children get taller, heavier, and stronger. There are also changes in children’s sexual organs, brains, skin, hair, teeth and sweatiness.

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