Conceive A healthy Baby Working in usa

Conceive A healthy Baby Working in usa

Conceive A healthy Baby Working in USA. Have sex regularly. The highest pregnancy rates occur in couples who have sex every day or every other day. Have sex near the time of ovulation. If having sex every day isn’t possible — or enjoyable — have sex every 2 to 3 days a week starting soon after the end of your period. Having sex in the few days leading up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation increases the chances of pregnancy. Age affects your chance of having a healthy baby. Being overweight or obese and smoking reduces the quality of eggs and sperm and your chance of pregnancy. Exercise/being active can boost your fertility (the ability to get pregnant). Women who do regular, moderate exercise get pregnant quicker than women who don’t exercise regularly.

Once a woman has begun ovulating (typically during her teen years) and her menstrual cycle begins to follow a predictable pattern, the chances of getting pregnant are quite high. Women in their early 20s to early 30s have a one in four chance of becoming pregnant each month.

Eager to get pregnant, but not sure where to begin (besides the obvious)? The latest research shows that the best.

place to begin pregnancy is actually before the beginning — for some couples, well before. A little preconception.

planning and preparation can not only help you have a healthier pregnancy and a healthier baby, but it can also help.

get that baby on board faster by improving your fertility. That’s why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

(CDC), the March of Dimes, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and others are

now routinely recommending that all couples consider adding at least three months (and in some cases,

a year) to the nine months of pregnancy. Not three extra months being pregnant (that would be asking way too much.

even for the most dedicated mom-to-be), but three extra months in which you prepare to become pregnant:

getting your body, your partner’s body, your lifestyle, your weight, your diet, your exercise routine, your medication.

regimen, and more into tip-top baby-making shape before sperm meets egg. So before you take the plunge without that protection parachute, follow this plan, keeping in mind that every couple’s preconception to-do list will be a little Conceive A healthy Baby Working in the USA

Getting Ready to Conceive

  • See your doctors (and your dentist). The best prenatal care starts long before there’s a baby to care for, so
  • schedule a checkup with your doctor (to make sure you’re healthy) and one with your gun, ob-gyn, or midwife (to
  • make sure your reproductive system is ready to roll). Your doctors will check your weight, make sure your immunizations are up-to-date, give you a blood test, discuss your family medical history, advise you how to taper off medications you’re on (or switch you to more baby-safe ones) and make sure all chronic conditions are under control. Two doctor appointments down? There’s still one to go. See the dentist too to make sure your teeth and gums are ready for pregnancy (gum disease is associated with pregnancy complications).
  • Watch what you eat and drink. Here’s food for thought: Your fertility — like your baby — may be what you eat. Though it’s possible to get pregnant no matter what you eat (and what you don’t eat), a healthy preconception diet may boost fertility. Eating well is linked to healthier pregnancies and healthier babies, which means there’s no better time than now to begin breaking bad eating habits (the breakfast skipping, the fast-food lunching) and building some good ones (switching from white to whole grain, spending more time with your hand in the fruit bowl than in the cookie jar). Have a Java Jones? Limit your preconception caffeine consumption to no more than 200 mg a day (that’s about two shots of espresso or 12 ounces of brewed coffee). And make sure to cut down on alcohol (since heavy drinking can compromise your fertility).

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