How to Attract Money [Rituals to Attract Money]

How to Attract Money Rituals to Attract Money

How to Attract Money [Rituals to Attract Money]

How to Attract Money: 7 Rituals to get money fast
How to Attract Money: Rituals to get money fast

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7 Rituals to Attract Money

How to Attract Money [Rituals to Attract Money]. Surely you are one of the many who suffer every payday

because no matter how hard you work at your job, the truth is that money every day yields less to you, so you

need a new job where you get paid more or an increase in salary and even some other job that you can do in

your spare time that leaves you extra money.

White Magic Witchcraft Spells to Attract Money

However, there are other methods to get money quickly and effectively. There are some rituals that have been

practiced in different cultures for years and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Here we leave you some of those rituals so that economic prosperity comes into your life and even, to your

business, so that money is multiplied and never lacking.

1. Have a St Patrick’s Image

St Patrick’s is the saint of those afflicted by poverty, work, and health. It is recommended to have one at home or

in the office to attract money quickly. The important thing is that they should give it to you to be effective, so

ask someone you trust or you already know what to give when you have a commitment.

Once you have it, place a coin with a hole in the center of your finger. This should never be pointed at a

window or door as this would only have the opposite effect.

2. How to Protect Your Money

You must have:

  • 1 Pot or small jar with lid.
  • 1 Red ribbon or ribbon.
  • Honey.
  • 3 Coins.

Place the jar somewhere in your house for three days, you will see that during that time you will not need

money. Also, you will protect the one you have so that you do not spend it easily.

How to get Money fast
How to get Money fast

3. How to get Money fast

Bring the cinnamon, the orange peel, and the liter of water to a boil. Let the mixture sit and cool. Pour the

liquid into a spray bottle. Light the candle in the living room of your house and sprinkle all the rooms while repeating:

“Lord, assist me at this time to progress in my life, so that my paths may open. Give me clarity and

perseverance to achieve my purposes. So be it, so be it, so it is.

When you finish, leave the candle burning for at least an hour, but if you leave it longer, the ritual will be faster

and more effective. To turn it off, do not blow it because the ritual loses its effect. You must do it every

Tuesday and Thursday after 6 in the afternoon, for as long as you like.

4. Another Quick and Easy Way to Make Money Fast

You must collect many small denomination coins, those that you hate when they give you change, and distribute

them on the floor of your house, in an open space, never under the furniture. As you place the coins, say out loud:

Repeat it with each coin that you put in and when you finish, repeat the phrase a couple more times to make it work better.

5. How to Make Money with Lemon

Before going to sleep, take a green lemon, cut it into a cross shape, and leave it under your bed for 7 days.

When the week passes, pick it up with your left hand, using a glove or handkerchief, and throw it away

somewhere with water. With this action, the lemon collects the bad vibes so that they do not reach you and you can attract money.

6. Buy a Figure of an Elephant

A statue of a pair of elephants with their trunks raised above in the air should be kept at the main door or

entrance of the house or office according to Vastu Shastra. Doing so brings happiness and good luck to the

family. Ideally, it should be white and it should always have the trunk up and directed into the house or

business, never facing the windows or doors.

On the 29th of each month, he places a banknote of the lowest value in the elephant’s trunk, folded in two lengthwise, and repeats:

Unfold the bill and leave it in the elephant’s trunk until the following month and restart the ritual, changing the bill.

7. How to be Abundant

To do this ritual you will need


  • 1 Handful of green stones.
  • 1 Coin.
  • 3 Yellow candles in a glass.

With the stones draw a triangle, placing one of the candles on each side. In the center place the coin, light the

candles, and make your economic request out loud, repeating it 3 times. Let the candles burn out and burn out

on their own, and get ready to receive what you desire!

Read also: Rituals to Bring 

Things to Improve Your Financial Health

How to Attract Money
Rituals to Attract Money

Are you looking to improve your personal fortune? When you need to attract money and have greater financial security, another alternative is to use White Magic by creating an altar to attract money. This altar will allow money to flow to you.

It is time to make a Money Altar

There are several ways to build your own altar. It is recommended that you dedicate enough time to this project, and make it as personal as possible, since it is an opportunity for your imagination to run wild.

How to Create an Altar to Attract Money

It is not necessary to invest any money to do this ceremony, however, money attracts money, therefore the more money you invest in the altar, the more likely you are to attract more. To start, you need a flat work surface to place your items. Ideally, this space should be a private area that rarely attracts visitors.

Read Also: How to know if I’m a WITCH

Read more about Ritual Altars

Learn how to set up your own altar and clear sacred space for connecting with ritual to be abundant. Your

altar should be considered a sacred space. Make sure the room is empty enough so that other energies don’t

interfere with its function. Light some sage in the room or do some kind of spiritual cleansing in order to

energetically cleanse the area. It is important to see the altar as a long-term project.

The first task is to get the cloth or tablecloth where it will rest on the altar. This fabric must be chosen by you

and symbolize fortune and wealth. If you have some silk, excellent. Otherwise, choose something that has a certain value to you.

If possible, before you start, fold this fabric and leave it somewhere where there is money, for example at your workplace for 7 days. This will charge the cloth.

  • The figure of St Expeditus, especially if you work with him regularly.
  • At least five pieces of pyrite.
  • A lucky cat.
  • Any type of play money (for example, Monopoly game or similar).
  • Foreign currency.
  • Rabbit legs.
  • A piece of magnetite.
  • Ron – offering for the spirits.
  • A green oil lamp.
  • The figure of St Martin Caballero (candlestick, sacred card, or perhaps sculpture).
  • Some oil to attract money.
  • Gold plates to place the coins.
  • Small metal box.
  • A golden bell – purify and cleanse the air and energy around you.
  • An incense burner and some incense that attracts money.
  • Ginger and lavender.
  • Real money. (Place it under the magnetite)
  • Green candles.

How to Attract Money

To make your altar attract money be sure to organize all the items in symmetrical order. Invoke the saints

for help. Light your candles, and pronounce Psalm 23. Load your altar with money by placing money, when

your needs have been met with a white candle to give thanks to the saints who have helped you. The altar will

have to be renovated every year on New Year’s Day.

Psalm 23 A Psalm of David

1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [1] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

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