voodoo dolls

How to Make Voodoo Dolls Easily at Home

How to Make Voodoo Dolls Easily at Home.Voodo dolls are an important part of many religious

traditions around the world and are still widely used in different religious ceremonies, and therefore we

will learn how to make a voodoo doll that actually works.

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*Disclaimer: Please note that the spells we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary.


It is believed that they work as a channel of communication with the deities, through which we can urge

them to exercise their powers over our world. What can we do with a voodoo doll? The possibilities are

numerous. This is the traditional way of doing it.


Since this is an authentic method, we will only use elements available in nature. All you need to make a

voodoo doll is two sticks or branches, thread, strips of cloth, some kind of natural glue, and something to

stuff the doll with, such as grass, pine needles, etc.


Also, if you want to dress your doll, you will need some scraps of cloth, buttons, feathers, etc. Since the

voodoo doll is meant to look like a living person, it is best to use that person’s belongings to decorate the

doll. These can be clothes, hair, body fluids, etc. Once you have gathered the elements, let’s see how to

make the Voodoo doll step by step:


  1. Take a long stick and a short one.

    Place the short stick perpendicular to the long one (that is, creating a cross) about one quarter of the top of the long pole. Tie the two sticks with the thread in an X-shaped movement. It should look like the cross in a crucifix.

  2. Now, the two ends of the short stick will be the doll’s arms and the short end of the long stick will be its head. The longer end will be the doll’s body.


  3. Wrap the doll’s stuffing around the poles: start in the middle, then around the head, then an arm, then around the other arm, then halfway and finally do the bottom.


  4. Cover the doll with pieces of cloth using glue and sew to hold everything together on your voodoo doll. But remember to keep part of the stuffing exposed on the arms’ ends, coming out of the head and feet.


  5. Give a face to your doll. Sew or tape two eye beads and another one will be the mouth.


  6. Now dress it. Since voodoo dolls are meant to look like someone, you must use the belongings of the person to whom your voodoo doll will look like.



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