Finding Real Friendship Online in usa

find friends online

ONLINE DATING SPELL IN USA. I was never one to actively hop on to my Facebook to find friends online. I mostly used it for games or keeping in touch with distant family members, seeing what they were up to. I frankly did not have the time to sit down and chat with people and get to know them. But something was different about this one. I could feel it from the moment I spoke to her for the first time.

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Are Online Friends Real Friends?

It all started off while chatting on Facebook. Yes, me. I never thought I’d be the one to find friends online or even consider something like Facebook dating. I didn’t even know how to find internet friends! But she was a special snowflake. She came into my life and I didn’t even realize how it happened. She simply was a part of my life one day and I knew I couldn’t imagine life without her anymore.

She told me that her exams were soon approaching. I guided her on how to study, what to omit, and of course the age-old advice of ‘Take it easy, you will be just fine’!

Her exams went smoothly, and we chatted more often. There was an undeniable connection, and we both knew it. Somehow our souls were destined to collide, and we were meant to be ‘amigos’! So as destined, we started off talking about our choice of movies, our favorite music, and so on and so forth….

We were becoming online best friends IN North Dakota |Wyoming| Illinois |Rhode Island |Vermont|

She sent me pictures of her cooking experiments, and honestly, her experiments would be awarded the Nobel Culinary Prize if there ever was such a thing! She has a pet dog that she loves deeply (which you can see by the way she refers to the canine soul!). She has an open mind and can grasp at least a bit of my poetry, and philosophy.

She knows enough of country slang to keep up with me, and I teach her a word or two of foreign languages whenever I can (so far I’ve taught her the meaning of ‘enchante’, and ‘manana’).

make friends online
If you try to find friends online, you could get lucky like me

She has changed my life

Friendship is not just about spending time with friends in the physical world. It is a deeper, emotional connection. The word friend originated from the Old English friend, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vriend and German Freund, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to love’.

About a week or so ago, I told her about my wish to write a book. She guaranteed it would work out just fine and asked me to give her a copy once it was finished. Even if I don’t talk to her, reading through our previous chat sessions keeps our friendship alive. ONLINE DATING SPELL IN USA

To find friends online seems like a blessing

I wouldn’t mind propounding such a theory, because this experience is more than enough evidence for such a theory. I’m sure in the near future, some wise scientist or mystic will work to this end (if somebody hasn’t already!)

I’m deeply indebted to the Internet. It helped me find help when I was victimized and isolated, it helped me grow, and it also gifted me this awesome relationship that will last for years, I know it. I’d like to hang out in real life with my friend, but even if we can’t (because spreading slander is second nature to society), I’m sure this friendship will go a long way. Our journey of being online best friends has its own charm.


1. Is it better to have online friends or real-life friends?

One is not better than the other. Both kind of friendships bring their own merits and flavor to your life. Your real-life friends will bring out a different side of you and your online friends will teach you something else.2. Are online friendships bad?

Not necessarily. People are only wary about looking for friends online because it is hard to trust people through a screen. It is much easier to fall prey to catfishing or be manipulated by a stranger online.

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