Love Spells and the Basics of Love Magic

Simple Love Spells for Beginners

Simple love spells for beginners.Love Spells and the Basics of Love Magic. Love magic is an extremely controversial topic in spell work. 

are many perspectives about the ethics of bending another’s will for their admiration. Luckily, there are rules

that apply when casting such spells. So if you want to find love but don’t want things to get dark, you’re in the right place.

Before we dig into what love magic is, it’s important to try and take back your power. True love starts within.

You don’t need validation from someone else, and if a relationship has become toxic it’s time to cut it out of

your life. These spells are about love, which doesn’t always involve another person, so feel free to use them to

bathe yourself in the TLC you deserve.

Now, let’s get to the fun stuff:

What is love magic and does it work?

Love magic is the act of attracting, well, love! Don’t be fooled, though: It won’t make someone fall in love with

you. Love magic only works if the energy is there and already headed in a certain direction. Meaning, that if you

and your crush have mutual feelings for each other, magic can help accelerate the energy between you two. It

will act like a magnetic force drawing you both together. Rather than making someone fall in love with you,

love magic is about attracting love that already exists — and that can come in many forms. Keep an open mind

and an open heart.ADVERTISEMENT

In order to be successful in your love spells, it’s important to be clear and honest with your intention. This

requires a proper petition to be drawn up by the spell caster. In this letter, clearly state what you want from a

particular person or what you want to attract in your own life. A letter of intention must be to the point and

kept private. After the letter is created, burn it so the energy from the ashes is released into the universe.

When writing a letter of intention or even starting a spell, it’s essential to take note of what is best for you. If you are only seeking to attract a boo who is emotionally unavailable, then they won’t appear in your life as a result. If you are conjuring someone who appeals to your higher mindset, then you’ll attract that person and energy.

When does love magic not work?

Sometimes spells don’t work because we desire people for the wrong reasons. Simply put: You can’t make a person fall in love with you. As stated above, the feelings in the relationship must be mutual. If they are not, then the magic will fall flat. Love Spells and the Basics of Love Magic

Additionally, magic only works if you are putting yourself out there. As in non-magical love, if you’re sitting at home and not interacting with others, you’re not super likely to find your true love. You get what you give.

Spells might also fail if there’s information missing, or the witch conducting the spell isn’t being completely honest with themselves about the situation — or the person they lust for isn’t being truthful with them. Love magic will rip all of these dynamics open for us to see the real story. This is why it’s recommended not to conduct love magic on a particular person, but to open the gates of happiness toward a healthy relationship. Like we said, don’t think of this as bringing someone specific to you. Instead, it can create the best possible path for us to find love.

Can love magic backfire?|Love Spells and the Basics of Love Magic

Yes! This can happen when your guides (your ancestors and spirits) have a different path for you. Usually, they will steer you in the right place — but only if you listen to them. For instance, if you’re firing up a love candle and the wick stops burning, chances are your spirits are telling you it’s a moot point. Conversely, if the wick is cracking and popping, then it’s a matter that requires extra work.

Also, being aware of your own energy when casting love spells is very important. If you’re anxious, then the energy will become erratic. It’s important to meditate before and to conduct spells with a calm mind.

Lastly, be positive that you’re using the right spell. Be aware that spells aimed to trap another person or manipulate their will won’t work. Magic can turn around on you if it’s not the right avenue for you to take.

Now that you’re properly prepared, let’s talk spells.

5 Love Magic Spells for Beginners

All love magic must be done on Friday, which is Venus’s Day. Venus is the goddess of love. Before you do these spells, mediate and write your letter of intention (your objective). Luckily, Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year. Daily Affirmations

Stating your own personal mantra every morning and evening while looking in the mirror will help bring in love. It will attract a partner who’s on your level. Let the universe know that you are worthy and deserving of love every day. Simple love spells for beginners.

Bath Magic|Love Spells and the Basics of Love Magic

With Himalayan salt, a dash of cinnamon, a drop of honey, hibiscus, and rose petals you can create the ultimate bath to open your heart to love. Place a rose quartz over your heart chakra to heal and invigorate your vibe. Meditate for 15 minutes about the ideal partner or relationship you want to bring in during the bath. Also, play some romantic tunes to bring out the magical mood.

Candle Magic to Attract Love or a Lover

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